Saturday, October 8, 2011

How to Plan a Scavenger Hunt Birthday Party

Scavenger Hunt Party Games

Scavenger hunts are a versatile party activity that can be created to fit any theme or location. Planning a scavenger hunt birthday party can be made easier by following three easy steps.

1. Choose a theme
2. Choose a location
3. Choose a style of hunt

 Choosing a Theme for a Scavenger Hunt Birthday Party
Using a theme for a birthday party can make the planning easier as it ties the whole party together from the invitations to the games and food. Themes that are perfect for scavenger hunts include pirate, fairy and jungle. Pirates look for buried treasure, fairies look for magic items and jungle explorers search for animals. Many more ideas are listed on the themes pages. Be creative and think about what the child enjoys doing to help choose a theme that will be fun for the birthday boy.

Choosing a Location for a Scavenger Hunt Birthday Party
Scavenger hunts can  be done in a home, outside in the yard, in a park, at a mall or in a neighborhood. Some locations are more versatile than others. A mall is a great location for a shopping themed hunt, the neighborhood can be used for a friendship themed party and a park for a jungle themed hunt. Use imagination for the theme if the location is not flexible. If the location is flexible it can be easier to create a scavenger hunt in a location that goes well with the theme.An example is if the party is being held in a local park and the party has a jungle theme. There are likely to be natural items available such as rocks, leaves, flowers, and sticks that can be gathered.

Choose a Style of Scavenger Hunt for the Birthday Party
There are different styles of scavenger hunts. Some require getting the actual object, some use photographs and others require a signature from the person who holds the item. Finding actual objects works well in controlled environments such as a home or neighborhood. The items on the list should be relatively easy to find for these types of hunts. Hunts where each team takes a photo of the item is a great way to be green. The photos can also be printed off to create a book of the hunt for each guest to keep. Signatures are an easy way to have the participants interact with others without needed to take anything. This is a great idea for locations where items can't be gathered and photos may not be allowed.

Many more helpful hints and scavenger hunt lists are available in the

Scavenger Hunt Party Guide.

There are also some creative party theme ideas based on books and movies  listed on the Themes page. I will be adding complete party ideas as well. If you are looking for a fun idea for a little girl take a look at the Fancy Nancy page. If you have an idea for a theme and would like help developing ideas feel free to contact me at

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